Friday, August 15, 2008

Just thinking....

Brian is right. It will never be cool to follow Jesus in the activist world. In that case, I would rather call myself a Jesus follower than an activist, an anarchist, a socialist or a radical. When being all about social justice stops being cool, I'll still do it because I'll always be a Jesus follower. It's not a phase, I am not being idealistic. I am just trying to follow all that I know to be true in a world full of lies. This is so much harder than I thought it would be. It is so hard to be the only one in a world full of activists trying to really hardcore follow Jesus. I struggle every moment to remember who I am and not to compromise myself to make others happy. That is not easy being the natural pushover, people pleaser that I am. Like I have said a billion times before throughout this blog, I miss my community and I cannot wait to live out justice with them. Last night a very dear friend of mine offered to pray with me over the phone and as we prayed for each other, I realized how much my soul longed and ached for something like that. Just to simply pray with another human and cry out to God together. After we hung up I started reading Ecclesiastes for some reason and then I got to the passage about how two is better than one, because if one falls, then the other can help bring them back up. I am grateful for many of you who have been my community from a distance. Please keep praying I don't forget who I am here. Please pray that I remember who I serve, who I follow, who I worship, who I love.


Anonymous said...


Robin said...

I understand where you're coming from, totally. I'll be praying for you. As always, we LOVE YOU and we MISS YOU a lot!!

cmb said...

i will be praying for you... it would good to see you (if only for a brief time).. and I am still hoping to come down there again soon... maybe see you tomorrow if you are in town
love you!!!

Pedro said...

I feel you big time. My Guatemalan friends aren't activists, they just love God and love their people. I guess that's my goal. They don't need books on how to do that stuff. It was a good wake up call for me. Maybe I'll move there...

Nanimaria said...

I'll be praying for you girl. Keep building those relationships in Immo, learning, and sharing with us! Love you!

Anonymous said...

you're amazing. you have an awesome fighting spirit. voy a escribir mas tarde. salamat, hermanita. tqm.

Trina said...

this touched my heart. i feel you in more ways than one. yay for ragamuffins. (love brennan manning!) love you